Raphael Lee
Professor Gould's insights in the questions concerning the bar exam, such as 'What does the bar exam require of you to pass it?', and 'Once you have understanding in what it requires, how should you train yourself for it then?' are so deep and clear.
It was the beginning day of my last law school semester and the answers that he provided, with his deep and clear insights, in relation to the questions I asked him that day laid out a very basic and firm foundation in my mind on which the next six months of successful bar prep actions were taken.
Professor Gould has the full version of the insight on how to pass the bar exam. I put all the insights into practice every day, which helped me pass the bar exam with a score of 300.
You will see this when you listen to Professor Gould's illustration of the bar prep strategy that his advice is very practical and effective. His bar prep strategy is not some complicated or abstract tactic, rather it is on point, straight, and customized personal training. All you need to do is to follow.
Professor Gould is a teacher who really cares for students. Professor Gould is always prepared to provide a clear and customized answer to any specific and unique problem a student might face on the course of bar prep. He cares for students and knows how to practically help them according to each student's level at which each one is placed at the moment. His insight in the bar exam is that deep. He acknowledges and praises each step a student makes regardless of whether it is small or a big leap. His classroom was always full of claps and praises to each other between the students.
That is how Professor Gould values the students. I could always feel that he was immensely devoted and greatly pleased to help and see students grow.